
850 kr

Numevision consists of a concatenation of reflexology, astrology, chakras, the meaning of numbers, health and physics as well as character traits.

You are born with different energies that together form your energy foundation. Numevision allows you to replace some of these energies so that your energy foundation is in balance. This affects the energy of the whole body. Physical symptoms are the body's signs to you that something is wrong in your body. When you get in balance, you get the opportunity to get rid of the physical symptoms.

Numevision can also be a great tool to move forward in your life in a positive way. Not all people need Numevision, but if you do, it's a great start to get you back in balance.

You are always welcome to call and hear if Numevision could be rewarding for you. Charlotte +45 23 81 61 88 or Hanne +45 40 74 72 67.

Receive free shipping in Denmark on purchases over DKK 590.

You can choose to order your goods on our website or go to Falkevej 22, 4600 Køge, Denmark by prior arrangement.

You can try Ozelia Healing Oils for free at their retailers or at Falkevej 22, 4600 Køge, Denmark in both cases by prior arrangement. You can also, by agreement with the retailers, pick up your goods from them. If you have inquiries about items that are not on the site, or questions about the goods and services you find on the site, please feel free to contact us.

Call for questions, appointments or anything else:

Charlotte: +45 23 81 61 88 or Hanne: +45 40 74 72 67

Phone hours: weekdays 8.00 - 9.00
