Healing with Charlotte

400 kr

Healing - give body and mind help to balance

Get help quickly. You will be able to feel the difference already after the first time you have received this high-frequency healing. The fact that healing is high-frequency means that it can quickly and effectively eliminate all possible imbalances in the body.

The imbalances in the body can be of both - mental and physical nature. This includes putting bones in place that are not in the correct position. I can relax muscles that are hurting. To remove blockages from meridian orbits and eliminate negative energies that affect body and mind.

So if you need help, do not hesitate to call and hear if there is anything I think I can help you with. I always notice this before you can have an appointment. Because I collect successes and I can only achieve it that way.

Call Charlotte on +45 23 81 61 88

Whether you should have 15 min., 30 min or 50 min. depends on your needs and what you need to have done. Talk to me about it and we'll find out what is best for you.

Receive free shipping in Denmark on purchases over DKK 590.

You can choose to order your goods on our website or go to Falkevej 22, 4600 Køge, Denmark by prior arrangement.

You can try Ozelia Healing Oils for free at their retailers or at Falkevej 22, 4600 Køge, Denmark in both cases by prior arrangement. You can also, by agreement with the retailers, pick up your goods from them. If you have inquiries about items that are not on the site, or questions about the goods and services you find on the site, please feel free to contact us.

Call for questions, appointments or anything else:

Charlotte: +45 23 81 61 88 or Hanne: +45 40 74 72 67

Phone hours: weekdays 8.00 - 9.00

Email: sales@sol-farah.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Hvidovre hopital tilkendte mig to nye knæ, men jeg har de gamle endnu!

Da jeg mødte Charlotte allerførste gang, vidste jeg ikke, hvad jeg skulle kalde hende. Det eneste ord i mit forråd var "Heks" Charlotte har healet min ryg, som jeg har haft så mange smerter i, at jeg var ved at tage mit eget liv. Ud over det tilkendte Hvidovre hospital mig to nye knæ, Men jeg har de gamle knæ endnu. Nu døjer jeg med muskelgigt og en defekt overarm. Esbjerg sygehus har henvist mig til at få en ny venstre skulder. Den er Charlotte nu i gang med at heale og jeg tror ikke, jeg får en ny. Charlotte har i den grad hjulpet mig og jeg kan kun anbefale hende og gør det gerne.